Sunday, December 21, 2008

School is over, time to PLAY!!

So finals officially ended for me at 130 pm on Thursday, and boy did it feel amazing! It has only been two days and I am wondering what it is that I am supposed to do with all of this freedom. Well here is a glimpse of just what I have been doing....... :)

EFY Reunion party of the best team ever!

Note to self, dont try to use an office chair as a snowboard in a parking lot, bad things can happen. Poor Andrew! But no worries I nursed him back to health!

After our parking lot adventures

Temple Square with lots of lights

Being with fun friends!

The things we do to make ourselves feel better! Me and my roommates April and Laurel decided since it had been a long trying week we should do masks and watch a good chick flick!

Really that face is harder to make than it looks!

The girls being silly!

It has been a great start to a nice holiday season, great friends, fun times and memories to last a lifetime! What more could a girl ask for????

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