Monday, March 30, 2009


So I cant believe that it is already here. In less then 24 hrs, my little brother will board a plane and be on his way to at least 7 months in the remote desert in Iraq! I am so sad!!! He has mixed feelings about the whole things of course, he wants to go and serve his country but he also wants to stay and go to college and on his mission like the rest of his friends. But he is strong, and has learned alot over the last few months and I know that he will be great over there. It will be hard but he can do it, he is strong and willing and will do whatever it takes to defend his country. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. I love you Rhina, please be safe and remember who you are!! We will miss you greatly! :D

These were taken when he was in Palms training at a make shift Iraqi village. What a nut case!

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